Becoming a Wellness Advocate

Congratulations on joining the doTERRA family as a Wellness Advocate. Your doTERRA Wellness Advocate membership gives you the potential to build a doTERRA business and change lives—starting with your own! The opportunity is at your feet, but you may still be wondering exactly what the next step is. To help you transform your potential into action, we have a few tips and suggestions to get you started.

  1. Learn the lingo: Continue the research you started before you joined doTERRA. Explore and order the available business literature and brochures to deepen your understanding of building a doTERRA business and to help you learn the lingo of the company. The power of sharing essential oils begins with sounding like a true doTERRA expert, and we know you have what it takes to become one. If you need more help, visit our doTERRA Business Lingo blog post!
  2. Teach from experience: As you learn more about doTERRA, keep track of your key experiences and look for teachable moments in your own life. Experiment with essential oils every day and make your own connections with the products. When you have an opportunity to share or teach others about doTERRA, speak from the heart of your own experiences! When something is an integrated part of your life, it’s easy and natural to share it with others. Sometimes just using essential oils around other people inspires interest and invites questions.
  3. Find a mentor: When you enter doTERRA, align yourself with an expert as soon as possible. Your upline is full of information, so ask them as many questions as you can–they’ve been exactly where you are. If your upline is not immediately accessible, ask them for contacts within your team, or look to your own personal connections for other users of doTERRA products that you trust and can learn from. doTERRA is as much about sharing knowledge as it is about sharing essential oils!
  4. Co-teach a class: Within the first month, co-teach a class with your upline and then teach a class on your own with your upline present. Teaching a class with someone lets you learn the ropes and feel supported as you become comfortable in the teaching role. From there, you can hold your own class with confidence and hands-on experience. Starting to teach is perhaps one of the hardest steps in building a doTERRA business, but when you set yourself up with the support you need, you put success within reach!
  5. Start conversations: If you want to build a team of your own, actively talk about the doTERRA business opportunity. You won’t want to pressure anyone into joining doTERRA; just let them know that the option is available. If you feel hesitant at first, simply start with mentioning use of the oils, then move naturally into how your business has benefited your life. You don’t need to secure a commitment at the end of the first discussion, either, but it will be impossible to find individuals who want to take the opportunity if they don’t even know that it exists.

Time frames like your first month are suggested, but you should always follow a strategy that works best for you. Follow what your mentor recommends, as well as your own feelings. However, don’t be afraid to move a little outside your comfort zone, and you may surprise yourself with how easily your confidence (and business!) can grow.