Find and replace text

Match case

, type the word or phrase that you want to find, and Word will highlight all instances of the word or phrase throughout the document.

To replace found text:

The Replace option is highlighted in the Search box

    Select the magnifying glass, and then select Replace.

Find text with specific formatting

You can find text with special formatting, such as bold or highlight, by using the Format menu.

On the View tab, Navigation Pane is checked

    Select View >Navigation Pane.

In the Find and Replace box, <a href=Advanced Find and Replace is highlighted" />

, and then select Advanced Find & Replace.

Shows how to open the Format popup menu


Shows the Format options

On the Format menu, select the option that you want.

Find text with specific formatting and replace the formatting

You can find and replace text with special formatting, such as bold or highlight, by using the Format menu.

On the View tab, Navigation Pane is checked

    Select View >Navigation Pane.

In the Find and Replace box, <a href=Advanced Find and Replace is highlighted" />

, and then select Advanced Find & Replace.

Shows how to open the Format popup menu


Shows the Format options

  • On the Find what box, type the text that you want to find.
  • On the Format menu, select the formatting that you want to find.

    Find paragraph marks, page breaks, or other special characters
    1. Select View >Navigation Pane.
    2. In the Navigation Pane, select the magnifying glass.
    3. Select Settings

    In the Find and Replace box, <a href=Advanced Find and Replace is highlighted" />

    , and then select Advanced Find & Replace.

    Shows how to open the Format popup menu


    Find special characters

    On the Special menu, select the special character that you want to find.

    Find and replace paragraph marks, page breaks, or other special characters

    On the View tab, Navigation Pane is checked

    1. Select View >Navigation Pane.

    In the Find and Replace box, <a href=Advanced Find and Replace is highlighted" />

    , and then select Advanced Find & Replace.

    Shows how to open the Format popup menu


    Shows how to open the Format popup menu

    Note: Select the arrow at the bottom of the Find and Replace dialog box to show all options.

    Use wildcard characters to find and replace text

    On the View tab, Navigation Pane is checked

    1. Select View >Navigation Pane.

    In the Find and Replace box, <a href=Advanced Find and Replace is highlighted" />

    , and then select Advanced Find & Replace.

    Using wildcards in the Find and Replace dialog box

    . Select the Special menu, select a wildcard character, and then type any additional text in the Find what box.

    1. Select the Replace tab, and then select the Replace with box.
    2. Select Special, select a wildcard character, and then type any additional text in the Replace with box.
    3. Select Replace All, Replace, or Find Next.

    Tip: When you replace text, it's a good idea to select Replace instead of Replace All. That way you can confirm each replacement to make sure that it's correct.