The Biblical injunction for a wife to submit to her husband is not in vogue in today’s culture, to say the least! However, the Bible has a lot to say about this very important aspect of a godly wife. Peter gives us “The Submissive Wife 101 Course” in this study.
The Submissive Wife
Intro :
3:1 – “In the same way.” In the same way as what? In the same way that a believer is to submit to government and his master. We are in the midst of a section in which Peter is giving instructions to Christians in various social relationships. His instruction is the same in every one – be submissive.
1. The Believer’s response to Government: submit – 2:13
2. The Believer’s response in the Workplace: submit – 2:18
3. The Believer’s response in the Family: submit – 3:1
However, there was a potential problem for believers in the 1 st century. They have come to realize that of this world – they belong to God. They have a higher authority – Jesus Christ. They have a higher standard – the Word of God. He begins to feel a little superior to others around him. He’s no longer interested in listening to government, masters or a souse. He’s on a different plane. God’s Word says “No!” That’s completely wrong. God’s will is that all believers must submit to the authorities they have been placed under. God’s design is to use us as His witnesses in government, the workplace, the family. But how are we to live in government, the workplace, and the family in order to influence others for Christ? By submitting to the proper authorities. How is a Christian supposed to relate to a non-Christian governmental authority, or boss, or husband? We are to be submissive, meek and gentle.
Notice that Peter writes 6 verses to the wives, and only 1 verse to the husbands. Why is this? It is because wives in the 1 st century, married to non-Christian husbands needed much more instruction and encouragement than husbands. There was great potential for difficulty when a married woman was converted. It was unthinkable for a wife to change her religion to one other than her husband’s. Her status was little better than that of a slave. On no account could she leave him, although he could dismiss her at any moment. She was not permitted to speak in public meetings. She was not allowed any kind of independent existence and any mind of her own. If she changed religions, her husband would consider her unfaithful to himself and his pagan gods. This would cause great tension in the home. It could be immensely embarrassing to her husband among his peers, potentially resulting in him being violent or abusive toward her.
The question was, how was she to live in this marriage in order to disarm his hostility and lead her husband to Christ? Notice Peter doesn’t tell her to leave him. That would probably be the advice she would get today. After all, she doesn’t have to stay and take that stuff. He’s clearly not compatible with her. He is controlling and domineering. Why shouldn’t she get out of there and find someone with the same interests as she?
Peter also doesn’t tell her to nag him, preach at him, or argue with him. If she lived today Peter’s advice wouldn’t be to put gospel tracts under his beer cans, and turn up the Christian radio and TV stations whenever he’s around.
1. What is the Status of the Husband in verse 1 ? They are “disobedient to the Word.” Does this mean that they are Christian husbands, but are not being as obedient as they should be? 1 Peter 2:7-8 uses the exact same expression, but says they are “appointed to doom” and “disbelieve.” No, these are unbelieving husbands.
2. What Does Being Submissive Not Mean ? (taken from John Piper’s sermon transcript of the same text)
3. What Does Being Submissive Mean ? It is the inclination and attitude of willingness to yield to a husband’s authority and follow his leadership. She wants her husband to take the initiative in the family and she is glad when he takes responsibility and leads with love. But submission also says, “It grieves me when you venture into sinful acts and want to take me with you. You know I can’t do that. I have no desire to resist you. On the contrary, I flourish most when I can respond joyfully to your lead; but I can’t follow you into sin, as much as I love to honor your leadership in our marriage. Christ is my King.”
4. What Should The Wife Focus On In Order To Win Her Husband ?
5. How is a Wife To Demonstrate Her Submission ?
Application :
1. Are You Modeling Your Life After the Holy Women in Scripture? we use the word “model” today to refer to the outwardly beautiful and glamour women on the covers of magazines at the grocery store. But what are they models of? Virtue, godliness, faith, submission? No! Just outward adornment. That’s it. If you want a model worth emulating – look into God’s book!
2. How Much Time and Energy Do You Give To Your Inner Beauty? How much time per day do you spend on your appearance? How much time on your character? How much time in prayer and the Word?
3. How Are You Doing on Having a Submissive Attitude? True submission begins in the heart with an attitude of respect. Notice that a submissive wife gets her strength from God (1 Peter 3:5). She hopes in God. She doesn’t pin all her hopes on how her husband treats her, her looks, her wealth, her clothes, etc. She puts all her hope in God. She has God and that is enough. So, her attitude of submission stems from her relationship to God. Her ability to submit comes from her walk with the Lord.
© Stone Bridge Ministries
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