608 Assessment and Care Team (ACT)

RATIONALE: The Assessment and Care Team (ACT) exists to allow for a comprehensive response to critical incidents and persons of concern that are of a more persistent or complex nature and/or are of concern to the campus community. ACT operates under the belief that managing a crisis or resolving difficult issues is best accomplished through a coordinated team effort. The ACT members are concerned with the health and well-being of the campus community, confidentiality issues, and respect for the rights of members of the campus in the community who are affected by concerning behavior or who are causing concerning behavior.

POLICY: ACT may review all reported behavior by campus community members that poses a safety and security threat to the campus and/or is of a more persistent or complex nature.

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: All reports of concerning behavior on the part of campus community members are reviewed by the Dean of Students office and the Oakland University Police Department (OUPD).

ACT - Assessment and Care Team.
NABITA - National Association of Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment.
SIVRA - Structured Interview for Violence Risk Assessment

When reported behaviors appear to pose a threat to the campus community, the Dean of Students office will also refer the report, along with any additional information gathered, to ACT for review. ACT reviews involve assessing threat levels utilizing tools provided by the National Association of Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment (NABITA).

Due to the sensitive nature of some situations and privacy regulations, the reporting party may not be privy to the intervention/outcome. However, ACT will provide information to pertinent parties impacted by the behavior to the extent possible.

ACT team reviews do not take the place of other investigative or administrative processes. ACT team reviews can occur simultaneously to these processes.


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