The table below shows where in time the prophets fit within the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah.
United kingdom under Saul, David, Solomon, c. 1030 - 931
Jeroboam II (793-753)
Queen Athaliah (841-835)
Situate the prophets within Israel's history.
Called by God and filled with God’s Spirit, a prophet spoke God’s word to people who had in one way or another distanced themselves from God. In one sense, a prophet is a.
Situating the prophets in israel Ys history" width="270" height="112" />
The records of the earliest prophets are woven into the history of Israel in the books of Joshua through 2 Kings, rather.
Verse Section Hosea 1:2 When the Lord first spoke through Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea, “Go, take for yourself a wife.
This commentary on Isaiah helps readers understand the book's original setting and apply it to today's circumstances.
Verse Section Hosea 1:2 When the Lord first spoke through Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea, “Go, take for yourself a wife.
This commentary on Isaiah helps readers understand the book's original setting and apply it to today's circumstances.
Explore what the Bible says about God's calling and your work.
We explore what the Bible has to say about the purpose of your work with guest Tom Lutz.
The Bible offers guidance for a Christian view of wealth and how wealth can be used for God's redemptive purposes.
Biblical decision-making principles for tough situations at work.
10 key points from the Bible give a foundation for Christians asking what the Bible says about our work.
Explore what the Bible says about God's calling and your work.
We explore what the Bible has to say about the purpose of your work with guest Tom Lutz.
The Bible offers guidance for a Christian view of wealth and how wealth can be used for God's redemptive purposes.
Biblical decision-making principles for tough situations at work.
10 key points from the Bible give a foundation for Christians asking what the Bible says about our work.
Situating the prophets in israel Ys history" />
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Contributors: Alice Mathews
Adopted by the Theology of Work Project Board December 9, 2010. Image by Used under license from Veer . Used by permission.
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© 2010 by the Theology of Work Project, Inc.
Unless otherwise noted, the Scripture quotations contained herein are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, Copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission. All rights reserved.