The amending regulation to the Building Code, O. Reg. 762/20, was filed on December 16, 2020. It is available on e-Laws, Ontario’s online database of statutes and regulations.
The Building Code (Ontario Regulation 332/12) was amended by Ontario Regulation 762/20 on December 16, 2020.
Ontario Regulation 762/20 amends the lists of “applicable law” prescribed under the Building Code Act, 1992 , in relation to building permits located on or near designated transit corridor lands as identified in an Order in Council to be brought forward by the Minister of Transportation under the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 . As per the amendment, projects located in the transit corridor control areas will require a corridor permit (issued by the Minister of MTO or delegated authority) as part of an application for a building permit.
This consequential amendment to the Building Code gives the province the tools needed to support priority transit projects.
There are no administrative costs associated with this amendment to the Building Code.
The proposed amendments to the Building Code were posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario on February 18, 2020 for a 45-day consultation period.
The Toronto Region Conservation Authority submitted comments on the proposal. There comments requested that Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act continue to be included as applicable law in the Building Code and that Conservation Authorities be included in early stages of the planning of any designated transit routes.
The comments from the Toronto Region Conservation Authority do not pertain specifically to the proposed regulation. The Ministry of Transportation has a copy to these comments.
All comments were taken into consideration by Ministry staff, and the impacts of the proposed changes were considered throughout the review of the existing requirements in the Building Code.
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February 18, 2020 - April 3, 2020 (45 days)
In the 2019 Ontario Budget, the Province announced its plan to build new transit faster – with the goal of making public transit an attractive, affordable and low-stress alternative to get people where they want to go, when they want to get there. The “New Subway Transit Plan for the GTHA” contains ambitious commitments for four priority transit projects :
The government has introduced new legislation, Bill 171, the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 , which, if passed, would give the province the tools needed to make sure these four priority transit projects are built on time.
If passed, the legislation would allow the Lieutenant Governor in Council to designate land as transit corridor land. A person would then need to obtain a corridor development permit for development and construction activities on or near transit corridor land that may require coordination with subway construction.
If the legislation is passed, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing would also propose amending the “applicable law” provisions in the Building Code. This proposed consequential amendment to the Building Code would require that corridor development permits for new development on or near the transit corridor land are received prior to a chief building official issuing a building permit.
More detailed information on the proposed legislation is available from the Ministry of Transportation
The government is proposing a change to Ontario Regulation 332/12 (Building Code) made under the Building Code Act, 1992 , to amend the lists of “applicable law” prescribed under the Building Code Act, 1992 , in relation to building permits located on or near the designated transit corridor land as identified in an Order in Council to be brought forward by the Minister of Transportation under the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020 (if passed).